Monday, August 28, 2017

Life is marvelous {week 8}

Hello World!
This has been an interesting week. Also an awesome week!!! Our mission president is really emphasizing the importance of changing things up! So this week we tried something pretty crazy.......service tracting! Service tracting is where we go knock on doors in jeans and a T-shirt and offer to help in any way we can! Let me tell you, it is SO WEIRD to be out doing missionary work in jeans. But so cool!!!! We saw a lot of hearts soften and a lot of miracles! Doing service is the best!

I hope everyone is doing well! It's so fun to hear about life in Colorado! Time goes by SO FAST it's weird to think that normal stuff is happening in the rest of the world. Sorry for the lack of pictures, I will send some this time. 

We set a baptismal date this week for our incredible investigator, Denise (name has been changed)! We love her so much! She's the one whose door we knocked on after that guy screamed at us! It has been so amazing to meet with her and see the gospel touch her heart. Please pray for her! The gospel is so amazing. I've never been moor happy then when I'm helping someone else come closer to Christ. 

There's one scripture that's been sticking out to me a lot lately "This was the Lord's doing and is it marvelous in our eyes?" (Mark 12:11). How many times do we just go through the motions each day? Wake up, go to work/school/whatever you do, come home, go to bed, repeat. So many times we fail to recognize God's hand in our lives. I promise you miracles happen every day. It's just a matter of us opening our eyes to recognize them. Life is so marvelous!! Sometimes I walk around and take in everything around me and just think "Everything is so amazing! I can't believe Heavenly Father has blessed me so much to be here!" Life is hard, but it's also marvelous!

I'm a little scatterbrained today so sorry this email isn't the best. But this week has been amazing none the less! The other day we had dinner with these members who are so awesome. They left everything behind to join the church. Their families, everything. They also are so amazing at following God's will. They felt like they needed to move to China so they did just that. Sold everything and moved to China. There they were able to have some amazing experiences! It just goes to show you that if you follow God's will everything always ends up being a million times better than you could have planned it. 

Have a wonderful week!
Sister Bloomfield 

Monday, August 21, 2017

"Oh my goodness, am I in paradise!?" {week 7}

Hello Everyone!
Thank you so much for all the pictures:) They really brighten my day! It's so good to hear that things are going well at home! I hope everyone has a good first few weeks of school!!

I know I say this a lot, but this has been another fabulous week in Victoria!!!! Even better than usual because we had zone conference! And having zone conference means we get to see president Wong! He is so amazing, I love him so much! I'm pretty sure that a large part of the reason I was called to this mission was because of him! He is the perfect mission president for me! 

We learned so many amazing things at zone conference and are so excited to go out and apply! This week I had so many moments where I caught my self thinking "oh my goodness, am I in paradise!?" I love being a missionary so much! And I love my mission so much! 

It feels like so much has happened since I last emailed, I feel like a different person! I can already feel Heavenly Father changing and shaping me for the better. It's so amazing! The atonement can work wonders in your life if you let it. One of the many quotes/ themes I've been focusing on this week is "Our focus must be riveted on the Savior and His gospel. It is mentally rigorous to look unto Him in every thought. But when we do our doubts and fears flee" -Russel M Nelson. I just love that quote so much! It is mentally rigorous to center our lives on Christ. But it is only in centering our lives in Christ that anything will fall into place. He needs to be the motivating force for everything we do,

We had dinner yesterday (an amazing dinner may I add) with a member that was telling us some of the experiences from her mission. She got a stress fracture the first few weeks and a couple of other injuries and was also paired up with a difficult companion. She said her companion pushed her so hard that it literately got to the point where she could not physically walk more than 4 steps without thinking of Christ and praying for strength. She survived on Christ alone. It's so amazing because if we allow Christ to be our motivating force in life, then we will be able to accomplish anything. Put real energy in those daily habits, like scripture study and prayer. It needs to be mentally rigorous if it is going to pull you closer to Christ, if you really want to draw His power into your life. I have felt the power of Christ's love for everyone and I know that we can grow to see the world through His eyes as we strive to become like Him in our efforts to answer His call to "come unto me"  

Missionary work is work, but when we put our whole heart and mind into it amazing things happen as a result. We met this really cool guy on the street yesterday. After talking with him for a while he said "Ok, you've got 6 weeks to turn me into a Mormon." It's so incredible because I know that the gospel has the power to completely change a person's life, and I know that it can and will work changes in this man's life. Haha it kind of makes me think "better be careful in issuing a challenge like that. Because the gospel IS true and it WILL change your life." 

I love being a missionary so much and I love the people I have the opportunity to come in contact with on a daily basis. It's sad when people choose to reject our message, because I know it will help them with all the difficulties they face. But I am so excited to see the gospel change people's lives. Because I know it can and will. Miracles are about to happen in Victoria! 

Victoria is the absolute perfect little city for me! It has such a special place in my heart now. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! 

Sister Bloomfield

Monday, August 14, 2017

BLOOMfield!?!?! The field is white and ready to harvest! Because it's BLOOMING!! {week 6}

Hello Everyone!
It's been another AMAZING week in Victoria! I'm quoting a random guy we met on the street in my subject line! Haha finding people is one of my favorite things because you get to talk to so many interesting people! Just yesterday I talked to someone from Brazil, Japan, China, and a refugee from somewhere in the middle east! The guy from the middle east was also a famous piano player who's going to tour in the United States soon! So keep an eye out for that haha! I can tell I'm going to be learning a little bit of a lot of different languages! 

This week John Bytheway visited Victoria and we got to meet him! It was so cool and he gave an amazing fireside! Unfortunately none of our investigators could come but it was such an awesome experience! 

Here's an awesome quote I found: "As a missionary we have to fight, claw, kick, and work to have the spirit" (Jeffry R Holland) It's a missionary quote but I'm going to modify it so it says "As a member of the church we have to fight, claw, kick, and work to maintain our testimony." Don't take your knowledge of Jesus Christ's gospel for granted! It has been amazing for me to see just how much Christ can bless someone's life. I know the gospel has blessed my life so much! It truly is the most precious thing in the world and I'm so grateful to have it in my life. Keep up the daily habits like praying and reading the scriptures, because it's the small things that make a big difference! 

We are teaching an amazing lady whom I love so much! She's from Peru and she's literately an angel! Haha the other day in a lesson we asked her to pray and she said yes. She then pointed to me and said "do you want to get married!?" I responded "um not right now" my companion said the same thing. She then said "when!? in a year?" Haha it was so funny! She didn't end up praying for us to get married (which is good haha) but she did say such a beautiful prayer! She's so amazing! She also has a lot of foreign exchange students! She's so dedicated to helping others I can't even believe it sometimes. I'm so blessed by all the people I get to meet! I love being a missionary and I love giving people the opportunity to hear about Christ's gospel! I know it's true! Honestly, I couldn't be a missionary if it wasn't true.Heavenly Father's hand is undeniably in the work. Or we would fail. But because of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ we get to meet these amazing people and watch the gospel touch their lives. 

I love it here in Victoria and I love being a missionary! Sometimes I feel like the prophet Nephi when he said "He (god) hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh" Heavenly Father loves His children SO MUCH! 

Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Sister Bloomfield

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Miracles in Victoria! {week 5}

Thank you so much for your emails! I love hearing about how the family is doing!!! And I'm SOOO happy that we're going to have family in Colorado now!!!! YAY!!! Colorado is the best!! (Sister Bloomfield's Aunt & Uncle and kids are moving to our area)
I'm so glad to hear you've all had a good week!! I will try to answer all the questions!
The ward here is FANTASTIC!!!! I love them soo much! Mostly everyone is converts and a lot of them come from very difficult situations but they're all sooo amazing! There is so much support here and I love them all so much! We have dinner appointments about once a week which is so nice! We live in an apartment complex. The manager is so awesome! He says he would fill the building with missionaries if he could! He's getting pretty close since 2 sets of elders also live in this building. Not to mention 2 ward members also! 
Victoria is SO beautiful! I can't even believe how perfect it is for me. It's everything I could have hoped for! 
Oh my goodness there has been so many miracles! It's been amazing! Just the other day we were looking for a potential investigator. We couldn't find her address but we drove past this house with a woman on the front porch and I had a feeling we needed to go talk to her. We stopped and I told my companion so we got out but for some reason hesitated. We went to another house first where a really angry man yelled at us and slammed the door in our face. That was kind of discouraging and I feeling nervous to talk to anyone else. But I couldn't just leave without going to the house we had driven past! So we mustered up all the courage we could and went and knocked on her door. Turns out it was a lady who is SO prepared for the gospel! I can't even believe it! I love her so much! We are teaching her now and she's just so wonderful! I'm so grateful we knocked on her door despite all the opposition we faced that day! 
And that's just one of the many many miracles we have seen! Being a missionary is so awesome! If you pray with faith and trust in God, then you have no need to fear! 
I love the people here in Victoria so much! It amazes me that Heavenly Father allows me to serve in such a beautiful place. The other day we were talking to a man about the Book of Mormon with the ocean just right in front of us! I can't even believe how blessed I am. If you would have asked me a year ago if I wanted to go to Victoria I would have said "um where?" But it is such an amazing place and I love it so much! 
I hope you all have a wonderful week! 
Sister Bloomfield 

Sister Bloomfield and Sister Giles on the Ferry

At a Ward Picnic someone was making balloon hats!

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