Monday, October 30, 2017

So Many Miracles! {week 17}

Hello everyone!

I don't even know where to begin so sorry if this email ends up making no sense, because it probably won't. Haha oh well.

This has been a week of miracles! So amazing! One thing I'm learning is that the only way for God to perform miracles is if we act in faith. The key word is act. There are so many people that we talk to and after the conversation we say "wow that was a miracle!" But would it have been a miracle if we decided to not talk to that person? Nope! If we didn't act and talk to people, we would see no miracles. But they are all around us!

Here's a list of miracles:
1. Our car was broken into :( but we felt inspired to bring our GPS inside for no apparent reason! So it wasn't stolen! Only Sister Van Valkenburg's flash drive was stolen! 
2. This one is pretty cool. We were on our way to a meeting at the church. We get there 15 minutes early and see this random car parked on the speed bump. We creepily pull up next to it and roll down our window to talk to the driver. Come to find out she's not a member and just comes to the church because it feels good there. We give her a church tour and set a return appointment. She's been looking for a church and is super cool. After she leaves we look at our phone and see a text pop up that was sent at 3:30 in the afternoon to tell us that the location of the meeting had moved. It was 8 at night. And we had been using the phone all day. If we had got that text we never would have gone to the church. It was a miracle! I couldn't even believe it! God's hand is in His work.
3. There's a member of the church here who doesn't come often because him and his sister are only 17 and 11. And his parents aren't members. But I've always felt strongly that we needed to work with them. One day last transfer Sister Crane and I ran into him on the streets but weren't able to talk to him. Ever since then I've felt really sad and have been secretly praying for a second chance since he's never home when we drop by. Yesterday we ran into him on the street but it was in the middle of a crosswalk! I was so sad we couldn't talk to him for longer! So I said a prayer that we would run into him again. And within the hour we ran into him and were able to talk to him more! It was a miracle! Especially since we wouldn't have been walking if we hadn't run out of gas earlier that day. Incredible! Heavenly Father is so good!

In order to see miracles we have to act and use our faith. But excersizing our faith is different for each person. As long as we act in faith Heavenly Father will bless us! Don't forget how much God loves you! I cannot even express to you how much effort He goes to for the well being of His children. You should see our multiple area books... and the billions of meetings we have. Just to know how to help any and all people. Don't doubt for a second that He loves you!

To answer some questions:
Yes I am working in both wards now, it is fantastic! I love it so much! God has a lot in store for this area. Haha and yes a lot of exciting things have happened this week...see above :). 

Have a wonderful week!
Sister Bloomfield
Dressing up for Halloween!

Monday, October 23, 2017

The chicken nugget becomes the chicken {week 16}


I hope everyone has had an amazing week. Things have been pretty great here in Canada! It's been so exciting to figure things out with the new ward added to my area, but it's been so awesome! I never even know where to begin when writing this email though, so sorry if it doesn't make sense or doesn't include interesting information.

It's been raining here a ton! It's so fun to run around in the rain :) Canada is absolutely gorgeous!

It's kind of cool because Sister Van Valkenburg came from my last area! It's been so fun to talk about the people we both left behind! It's definitely making me homesick for my last area though. I absolutely LOVE Brookswood/ Willoughby! I am so grateful Heavenly Father allowed me to stay here! I was sad to say goodbye to Sister Crane, but I know she'll do amazing things in her new area! My subject line is one last parting quote from Sister Crane. She always called me chicken nugget :) and when she left she said "it's time the chicken nugget became the chicken." 

Things are going great here though! I love getting to know all the ward members. Funny story, yesterday the elders had to give us something so we were trying to figure out a place to meet up. We ended up meeting in front of a members house. The elders parked in the driveway and handed us what we needed. Right as we were about to leave the member came out of her house, confused as to why there was a gathering of missionaries outside! It was so funny! The member is a good friend of ours though so we had a good laugh :) 

Something I've started to work on is studying the life of Christ. I've learned that it is only because of Christ that we have to ability to become anything. Because Christ loves us so perfectly as we come closer to him we learn how to love more perfectly. I know that He is with us before, after, and during our trials. Even if we can't feel His presence until after the trial. It is because of Him that we can experience pure and lasting happiness. So if you ever wonder why the Mormon missionaries are always at your door to bother you, that's why. We just want everyone to have this same happiness.

Have a great week!
Sister Bloomfield

Monday, October 16, 2017

Transfer Calls! {week 15}


Transfer calls came and there were some interesting changes! Sister Crane is going to Northshore and I'll be staying here! Weirdly enough my new companion is the sister who took my spot in Victoria. So far I've always been companions with my previous companion's current companion! Kind of weird! I'm sad to see Sister Crane leave but I am excited for the challenges that lay ahead! They just added another ward to my area! So now we cover Brookswood and Willoughby, We also moved zones and districts and we're moving in with the STL's! (Sister training leaders) It's going to be an exciting transfer! Also I'm slightly jealous of this elder in my district who randomly got called to Spanish work after serving English speaking for the past year or so. He wasn't even called Spanish speaking to begin with! Talk about a cool challenge! I'm super excited for this next transfer though and beyond grateful for the opportunities Heavenly Father has given me and will continue to give me on my mission. 

I love the people in this area SO MUCH! Let me just rave about one of the members of our ward.  She is one of the people who gave us Thanksgiving dinner. She is always calling us, asking how she can help, hosting activities for us to invite people to, making flyers for us, and introducing us to her friends. Not to mention she feeds us dinner a lot. And she's not even a ward missionary! I just wanted to take a moment to talk about how amazing she is! The other day she was telling us that sharing the gospel just felt so good that she wanted to do it all the time! Talk about amazing! I want to be that type of ward member some day. This ward is on fire though, there are multiple people like that who are eager to join in on the work. I know that as people become more engaged in missionary work their happiness and love for the gospel increases. 

I love the people so much, if I haven't already said that enough! I love the people we're teaching, the people on the streets, the people in the ward. I'm so grateful for the chance I have to be a missionary. It really is a privilege. 

Last P-day I had the amazing opportunity to see Sister Beckstrand and Sister Fababier! Their zone joined ours for a BBQ! I was so surprised to see her! It made my day! Life is full of a lot of ups and downs but it's the ups that amaze me. Heavenly Father could have just sent us to earth to suffer, but no He loves us and has provided us with so many opportunities to experience happiness. Happiness is not just for the next life, it's for right here and now too!  

It is so incredible to see the gospel change people. I have seen people who were once hostile to the church completely change and begin attending again. I've seen people in extremely difficult circumstances turn around and give and serve others. I've seen people bear their testimony of Jesus Christ despite the difficult trials they are facing. It is incredible to watch people begin to discover their divine potential because of the gospel. I know that each individual has a divine potential that can be reached with the help of Jesus Christ. 

It's also amazing how much Heavenly Father has a hand in the missionary work. If it weren't for Him we could completely and utterly fail. The other day we were teaching a lesson with our incredible investigators who are preparing to be baptized. They were asking some questions that I was unsure of how to address but words were coming out of my mouth that were not my own. It was such an incredible experience! As a missionary I am not the teacher, the spirit is and because of that I can learn with my investigators. Talk about amazing! 

Also funny quote from Sister Crane: "If you had to eat cheeseburgers for the rest of your life..... would you eat them?" I don't know if that's funny to you but it's funny to me! Sister Crane is always asking me the randomest and funniest questions! We're always laughing!

Have a wonderful week! Look for the miracles that are all around you!

Sister Bloomfield


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

When in doubt, just be normal! {week 14}

Hello everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving! Yes it's Thanksgiving here in Canada. I feel like Christmas should be just around the corner but we still have Halloween to get through! Thanksgiving here also spans 3 days so thanks to our AMAZING ward members Sister Crane and I had quite an extensive Thanksgiving. I'm so grateful! I love these people so much! I may be away from home but the people here have opened their hearts and homes and I feel just like I belong! Canada will forever be my home away from home! 

I'm quoting Sister Crane in my subject line! Prime advice from my amazing trainer ;). All I'm going to say about that is sometimes you get into weird situations as a missionary haha! 

I hope everyone had a great week! Enjoy the snow in Colorado!

It's been such a great week! So many amazing things are happening here in Brookswood. The other day in a random parking lot I met four more deaf people! It made me so happy! I am so grateful God gives me the chance to use ASL! I also know that it is because of Him that I can even understand these people and they can understand me. This week I'll also be meeting the lady that the elders found so I'm super excited for that!

I seriously love the people I have met here so much! One thing that is amazing to me is the effort people go to to serve others. We truly are happier when in the service of those around us. 

I've gotten to try so many different kinds of food here. This past week I had Japanese, Mexican, Vietnamese, and African. I'm sure there's more I'm just forgetting! There are so many different cultures here! I love it so much! 

One thing I've been realizing is that being changed by the atonement is a lifelong process. I know that I am who I am because of the atonement and that I have the ability to become something because of the atonement. It is only through Christ that we are able to become anything at all. Truly, anything is possible through Christ. Don't give up because Christ will never give up on you! 

I love being a missionary so much! And what's incredible is that we can focus all our efforts on serving God even if we're not a missionary. I am honestly so happy even in the difficult moments because it is only through this gospel that we can find the pure and everlasting happiness. Have a great week!

Sister Bloomfield 

Monday, October 2, 2017

Another Amazing Week! {week 13}

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week! Wasn't general conference just AMAZING!?!? 

To answer the questions about the weather, yes it's been quite nice here. There has been a bit of rain but not as much as I was expecting. Although the worse is yet to come apparently. It's so beautiful here! I love it! Canada is surprisingly pretty different from America. 

It's been such an amazing week with a lot of great experiences! I don't even know where to begin! I'll start with a funny story. The other day Sister Crane and I had plans to drop by a member of the ward we hadn't seen in a long time. So we go and knock on their door. When they opened the door they started laughing and said "come and join the elders!" Apparently the elders had the same idea because when they walked in they were sitting on the couch! It would have been too weird to just leave so we just joined them. It was very weird. What makes it even funnier is that Sister Crane had a dream that that was going to happen the night before! We were laughing so hard! Although now that it's written out I don't think people who aren't missionaries will think it's funny. Oh well! 

A few days later the elders called us and told us they wanted to pass us a person who potentially wanted to learn about the gospel. So we went to her house with them and it turns out she owns a doll making studio. So there were porcelain dolls everywhere! And I mean EVERYWHERE. It was a strange experience. But still pretty cool! 

And now for the miracle! God is so good to me! Yesterday the elders called us with some really exciting news! They were really excited because they had run into a deaf woman and her deaf husband who want to learn about the gospel! They told them that I know ASL and we are planning to meet them some time this week! It was such a miracle! I am SO EXCITED!!!!!!! I was wondering what my purpose was in this area, but I've met multiple deaf people that I've been able to communicate with. I cannot even begin to tell you how happy it makes me! It is no coincidence that the elders ran into this woman at this time! I am so grateful God is allowing me to use the different skills I've been blessed to learn. I'm so excited!!!

One thing I noticed about General Conference is how much the apostles and prophets were emphasizing the importance of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is so important! It is essential to read it everyday! And if you're already reading it every day, redouble your efforts! I learn so much every time I open and read it. The other day I was reading in Alma 58 and I noticed something interesting. Life is hard, there's no question about that. But we can choose to notice all our inconveniences. We may be cold, tired, and hungry as the army of Helaman undoubtedly was in Alma 58. But we can choose to focus on the negative and end up bitter and sad all the time, or we can be like the army of Helaman and focus instead on the good in life! The people in this chapter trusted in their God and knew that he loved them and wanted them to be happy. He loves us and wants us to be happy. There is SO MUCH good in the world. We choose to be sad or upset when we choose to ignore the good and focus on the bad. I testify that there is a way to be happy in ANY situation. Choose to see the positive through the negative.

I know that the words spoken by the apostles and prophets this past weekend are God's words! 

I hope you all have a marvelous week! 
Sister Bloomfield


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