Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Giant Hamburgers {week 48}

Hello Everyone!
This has been such an awesome/crazy week! It feels like forever since I last wrote! 
This week we had the craziness of MLC and Zone conference! On Thursday we had to drive down to Victoria (2 hour drive) then ferry over to Richmond with the Victoria STLs. We had an amazing MLC! The big topic of conversation was technology. President asked us if we wanted to get Facebook now or latter. We had a huge debate about it. Not everyone was on the same page but the spirit was guiding the conversation. It was so strong. At the end of the discussion we made the decision to implement Facebook now. It was an incredible experience that I learned a lot from. I learned that God truly is at the head of this church. There is no doubt about that. When the apostles meet and discuss decisions within the church they must come to an unanimous decision. Not a single one of them can feel wrong about something and have the decision still made. That's not an easy task, pulling together 15 completely different men from completely different backgrounds. But because all 15 of them are striving to put the Lord's will above their own the spirit guides guides any decision. Nothing is done in the church without the support of all the apostles. It felt a little like that in MLC. A lot of people were really nervous about introducing social media. But as the spirit guided the conversation it was clear what we needed to do. What God needed us to do.
So now I'm on Facebook as some of you may have noticed! Just to let everyone know the only reason I'm using it is for mission related things. So if anyone outside my mission messages me or anything I won't respond until I'm home! 
After MLC on Friday we took the ferry back to Victoria with President Wong, the assistants, the Nanaimo zone leaders, the Victoria zone leaders, the Victoria STLs, and a senior couple. As you can imagine, we were quite a sight to behold haha. It was awesome because we were able to discuss with President ways we can help the Victoria and Nanaimo stakes reach their goals. I absolutely love this work with all my heart. It is so incredible to me to be able to be spending all my time and effort on helping other people to learn about Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for this gospel and the privilege I have of being able to share it with others. I know this is Christ's true gospel on the earth. None of this would be possible without Him. 
On Saturday we had an amazing zone conference! A wonderful lady from the Victoria 2nd ward made all us missionaries giant hamburgers! It was really funny watching all of the missionaries try to eat them! It was also an incredible experience to hear more direction from President Wong on how we can be better missionaries. I want to be better everyday, taking it one notch up everyday. 
On Sunday we had a bit of a miracle! Like 8 different people told us they were coming to church and none of them showed up. We were a little sad, but then this lady walked through the door! She used to be meeting with the sisters but then stopped. She is dating one of the elder's investigators and asked us to meet with her! She also asked a bunch of ward members the qualifications for baptism! It was such a miracle! I know this gospel is true! We should never lower our expectations because God has so many miracles in store for us! 
I love being a missionary so much!
Sister Bloomfield


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