Monday, June 18, 2018

Life! {week 50}

Hello Everyone,
This week was one of those weeks where I don't really remember what happened much. It went by so fast. We have transfer calls this Saturday and I can hardly believe it. This transfer has been like the blink of an eye. 

Nanaimo is one of the awesomest places ever! I love it here! This week we were able to have a lesson with that amazing couple we found last week! We taught them the plan of salvation and when we were finished they said "wait so you girls aren't really part of a religion?" We were kind of confused so we asked them what they meant and they said "this isn't a religion, it's life." That statement really struck me. It's so true. I'm not walking all around Canada campaigning for some church. I'm helping people to know more about life as it really is. God has a plan for us and that impacts the course of our life. It is life.

The COOLEST miracle happened the other day! At the beginning of last transfer Sister Yraguen and I ran into a random lady at the dollar store. It turns out she is a member's sister. That member is a convert so none of his family are members of the church. She gave us her address and for the past 2 transfers we've dropped by her every now and then but haven't really gotten anywhere. Then the other day we had a feeling we should go see her. When she answered the door she was on the phone but hung up to talk to us. She was really upset because she lost her phone in Comox, which is a bit away from Nanaimo. We had a prompting to pray with her that she would find her phone so we said a prayer with her. She then gave us some ginger ale and said she had a lot of stuff she needed to do (side note- people here in Canada are like obsessed with ginger ale). We left and didn't really think much of it. Then that night we got a text from her brother. Apparently he was the one who was on the phone with her when we knocked on her door. After they hung up her brother decided to call her cell phone just to see what would happen. And some body answered! The person who answered was someone who found her phone and was willing to drive all the way back to Nanaimo to return it! Right after we left the member called his sister back and told her the news! She could hardly believe it and told him about how we had come over and prayed with her. He took the opportunity to bear his testimony and invite her to meet with us! It was AMAZING!! We should be seeing her again soon! That makes me so happy because we've been stopping by her for months now!! God really does answer prayers.

This Sunday church was fantastic! Before church on Sunday Sister Yraguen and I were in our apartment getting ready when we got a random call from someone who was wondering when church was. He just looked up the church on line because he wanted to come. We drove to the church and met him there. He got there really early so no one was there yet except for one lady who got there to set up for something. We opened the doors and the elders were standing at the end of the hall! Which was another miracle. We were able to introduce them and he was able to stay for church! It was pretty cool. Happy Fathers day by the way. May was able to come again. She's such an amazing person! I'm so happy for her! The elders also introduced us to a girl from China. She is just 20 years old and met the elders at the soup kitchen we sometimes volunteer at. She volunteers there too. She stayed for all three hours of church! She said she didn't understand it but she liked it! She is so awesome!

Being a missionary is such an opportunity and a blessing! I am so grateful to Heavenly Father. He's a lot more aware of us than we think He is. That's for sure. I've been thinking a lot about the power of the atonement. It can help us to not just forgive ourself and others, but to forgive past experiences. Meaning, the power of the atonement can help us to just move forward and be happy. Life is uncertain, but one thing is for sure. It will always be ok because of Jesus Christ.

Sister Bloomfield 
P-day Fun!

Making tie-dye shirts

Car Selfie

2 week old puppy

Car selfie!

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