Hello Everyone!
I hope you've all had a great week!! Happy Thanksgiving from Canada!!
This has been such an amazing week! I don't have too much time so I'm just going to quickly write some highlights:
week I got a call from the Burnaby sisters asking for some help because
they have like 3 deaf people they're teaching!! I got to skype in for a
lesson and it was such an incredible experience!! I love ASL so much!!!
It was a really humbling experience too because I honestly have only
taken 1 year of university ASL so it's not like I'm fluent by any
stretch of the imagination. But I prayed so much and studied the limited
ASL resources I had. I truly felt God helping me. I honestly could not
have done that on my own. It sounds like they're teaching a lot of deaf
people so hopefully I'll get more opportunities like that! It was so
-General conference was so
incredible!! There are so many things I could write about but one thing
that stuck out to me was President Nelson's last talk. He spoke about
why we will no longer refer to ourselves as "Mormons." It hit me so hard
because he talked about how emphasizing that our church's name is "the
church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints" will help us to remember
whose church this truly is. This is Jesus Christ's church and as we keep
Him the center of our lives all of our doubts and fears will flee. On
my mission I have learned so much more about the atonement of Jesus
Christ, and that knowledge has changed my life forever. He really can
heal anything. Also super excited to respond to the challenge he gave us
in the general women's session! This is a great time to be alive!
been teaching a lot of people by skype lately and it's so cool to see
how that technology is allowing us to reach more people in a more
meaningful way!
I hope everyone has a great week!
Sister Bloomfield