Hello Everyone!
This has been one of
those weeks that I will always remember. There is nothing better that
serving others and inviting them to come closer to Jesus Christ!
week I had a really cool experience with the name of the church. I sat
down to talk to this lady at a bus stop and she immediately said "Oh
you're so beautiful, you must be a Mormon girl." I was surprised but
said, "Oh well I go to the church of Jesus Christ." We got to talking
and I was able to share some of the Book of Mormon with her. She had
been searching for the true church for so long but had had such negative
experiences with other churches that she had given up her search. I
felt the spirit so strongly and bore my testimony of Jesus Christ and
that this church is His church and that He wanted her to come home to
Him. It was such a powerful experience that I don't think I would have
had had I not been trying to emphasize the true name of the church. My
testimony that Christ is at the head of this church has grown so much
these past few weeks. This isn't Mormon's church, this is Jesus Christ's
church! I know He is reaching out to as many people as will listen. We
don't have to search for Jesus Christ's church anymore. It's right here.
Alma 5:38 "Behold, I say unto you, that the good shepherd doth call you;
yea, and in his own name he doth call you, which is the name of Christ;
and if ye will not hearken unto the voice of the good shepherd, to the
name by which ye are called, behold, ye are not the sheep of the good
Yesterday Sister Robison and I both
felt prompted to pray that someone would bring their friend to church.
And what do you know, when we got to church someone had brought their
friend! There has been random but special moments on my mission where I
have felt prompted to pray for a miracle and it always happens. God
really does answer prayers!
On Monday the
Willoughby elders had to borrow our car so we were stranded in the
middle of Langley. For our area, that's not so effective because all the
YSA people we'd need to see or talk to wouldn't really be walking
around neighborhood streets. We decided to just work as hard as we could
with the resources we had and ended up finding some of the coolest
people I've found before! We met with one of them, whom I'll call
Amelia, on Saturday and invited her to be baptized. She said yes! She
has been searching for the true church for so long, it made me so happy
to share this gospel with her! The other person we found, whom I'll call
Conor, came to a branch activity and is reading from the Book of
I've really learned that when we try
our hardest, God magnifies our efforts. Sometimes all we have to offer
is 5 loaves and a few fishes, but Christ can take that and feed the
Have a good week!
Sister Bloomfield