I absolutely LOVE my companion! Her name is sister Beckstrand and she is absolutely amazing. We are absolutely perfect for each other! She is also a dancer and even worked in a dance studio. She's from Texas and is going to Utah State to major in art. We work so well together and just have so much fun. If it weren't for her I don't know what I'd even do.
My district is so awesome too! There is a sister in my district actually from Canada. But she's originally from the Philipines. She's so sweet! Other that that everyone is either from the deep south or Utah. So there's a lot of southern accents. Pretty quickly the sisters in my district started noticing me randomly doing ASL. So I started teaching them and soon enough the whole district got involved!! It's so much fun and really funny to see them try and do ASL. The sister from Canada does the alphabet wrong since the Canadian signs are different! At choir I was teaching Sister Beckstrand some ASL and a random sister from across the room noticed and we had a whole conversation! I've missed ASL!
Time here is sooooo weird. The days feel like years but the weeks feel like seconds!
I love my sister training leaders! They are some of the nicest people ever! I'm so grateful for the sisters I'm serving with. The MTC has been full of some of the lowest lows and the highest highs I've ever experienced, but it is the most wonderful experience ever and I honestly don't understand all those people who said negative things about the MTC. They're seriously missing out. Missionary work is the most wonderful thing in the world and it almost brings me to tears how happy I am to finally be a missionary. Putting on my nametag for the first time was the most incredible and amazing experience.
Ahh I have so much so say! Our lessons have been going well, we actually get to teach real people who volunteer for the MTC. Some are members, some are not. I can testify that the spirit guides his missionaries. We had one lesson with such a wonderful girl. It was so powerful and looking back I can't even remember some of the things I said. The spirit put the words in my mouth. I did not teach that lesson. It was amazing.
I love being a missionary! It is the most fulfilling thing ever!! I love it!!! The other day in class I was looking out the window at all the flags of the different countries. The Canadian flag was kind of in the middle of the line up and they were taking all the flags down. My teacher (who is amazing FYI) was saying that we are called to find specific people for a specific reason and that our call was very special and personal. I looked out the window again and the Canadian flag was the only one still up!! The spirit testified to me that I am supposed to go to Canada. Despite my setbacks with my passport.
Anyways, I love being a missionary! It's so wonderful! I'm learning so much and I'm so grateful for all that God's teaching me. I love everyone! Have a wonderful week and thank you for the pictures and email!