Monday, December 10, 2018

A year in Langley! {week 75}

Hello Friends,
Sorry but I don't have much time! One thing I've learned this week though is how much God truly loves us! We saw some tender mercies this week that just amazed me! He truly is in the details of the details of our lives!

This week there was a day where I was feeling kind of down. I said a prayer to Heavenly Father that He would send someone to me to pump me up and I kid you not, 5 steps later I ran into the Cranes! The Cranes are a senior couple who used to be serving here that recently went home! They are the ones who helped me so much with my passport! It was such a sweet reunion and it made me so happy and excited! Just one evidence that God was aware of me!

A few days later we were doing comp study and we were really stressed about something when we got a random phone call. It was our district leader! It was a surprise because he usually calls at night but he had felt prompted to call us right at that moment. He role played with us and we were able to laugh and prepare for the rest of our day. It truly was inspired and helped us a lot! God is seriously aware of each and every one of us!

This week we have been able to teach a lot of amazing people! The other day we found this awesome girl! And it turns out she is friends with one of our members! We had a lesson with them and the spirit was so strong! I could feel it guiding us! I just know this church is true and that God is so aware of us. He wants the best for us!

We also got transfer calls and I'm staying in Langley YSA with Sister Guzman. WOOOHOOOOO!!!! I can say that I spent a year of my mission in Langley!!!!!!!!!! That makes me so happy!!!! I've practically moved in!!!! This is seriously my home now!!! I love it so much!!! Not to mention a huge portion of my MTC district just got transferred in this zone!! Woohoo!! I'm practically ending my mission the way I started it! This is going to be such a blast!!

To quote a fellow missionary "Heavenly Father always smiles at you when you try your best." I know that's true! Sometimes we view God as a disapproving teacher or something but I know that He is always smiling at us and He is so happy whenever we do something good. God truly loves us so much! More than we can ever comprehend!

Anyways, have a great week!

Sister Bloomfield

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