Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year! {week 78}

Hello Everyone!
To be completely honest with you, I don't have too much to say because it feels like I only emailed a couple of days ago! Maybe because I did haha. 
Anyways, it has been a good past few days with a lot of miracles. This week we met with a girl that we found at a mall food court. We were just walking past and we were in a rush so I wasn't planning on stopping. But the spirit literately whipped me around and I started talking to her. It was like a 2 minute conversation but she took a Book of Mormon and we exchanged contact info. Then she asked if she could bring some friends to our lesson. 
When we got to the lesson it was her and a friend. They both are going to bible college. At first they pelted us with a lot of questions about the bible which earlier on in my mission would have made me really nervous. It was amazing to watch as the spirit took over the lesson though. It was such a spiritually powerful lesson where we just shared spiritual experiences and testified of the Book of Mormon. Marcia was with us and bore such a powerful testimony. It was amazing. They committed to come to church and went in Abbotsford. They loved it and are meeting with us again! At the end of the lesson one of them said " I believe I have the truth, but I also recognize that the Book of Mormon might be true. So I'm just going to read it then ask God if it is true." It was so cool! Both of them have been so prepared by God, it was really cool to hear some of their personal experiences and to see how they have been prepared for this message. 
Today I was able to finish the Book of Mormon! It was an incredible experience, reading it from October till now at the request of President Nelson. The one thing I learned this time reading it through, is how merciful Christ is. He knows we're human and knows we will make mistakes but He is merciful and wants to help us overcome the natural man. He wants to help us overcome our weaknesses because each of us have an individual and specific work to do. I testify that Christ really is there to help us in our hardest moments. He loves us so much.
Have a great week!
Sister Bloomfield 

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